Stella Maris Parish


Blessings to You

Welcome to the Stella Maris Parish website serving the Catholic community of Northern Door County!  We are so happy that you have decided to check out our parish this way.  

I hope you are able to find everything that you need here.  If you can not find something that you want, please reach out to me or anyone else on the staff for further assistance.  We are here for you to offer worship opportunities, faith formation, pastoral care, spiritual development and a caring community in Northern Door County within the Catholic tradition. Let us help you to deepen your experience of life and add more meaning and purpose as you search for what makes your life all that it can be with God.

In Christ’s love,
Fr. Thomas Farrell, Pastor





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Breaking News!

WINTER/SPRING DAILY MASS SCHEDULE - Our Winter/Spring Daily Mass schedule began on Monday December 9th and runs through Friday April 18th.  Liturgy of The Word with Communion is celebrated in Fish Creek on Monday. Holy Mass is celebrated in Jacksonport on Tuesday, Egg Harbor on Wednesday followed by a Holy Hour, Sister Bay on Thursday and Baileys Harbor on Friday. All begin at 8:00 am.  Daily Mass is also celebrated each month on the 1st Saturday in Baileys Harbor at 7:30am followed by the Rosary at 8:00am and on the 3rd Thursday in Sister Bay at 6:00pm preceded by a Holy Hour at 5:00pm.  Please join us!

WINTER/SPRING WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE - Our Winter/Spring Weekend Mass schedule begins on Saturday December 14th and runs through Sunday April 20th, 2025. Saturday Masses will be celebrated at 10:30am on Washington Island, at 4:00pm in Fish Creek and 6:00pm in Egg Harbor.  Sunday Masses will be celebrated at 8:00am in Baileys Harbor and 10:00am in Sister Bay.  Please join us!
WINTER/SPRING WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE FOR WASHINGTON ISLAND - Our Winter/Spring Weekend Mass schedule for Washington Island begins on Saturday December 14th and runs through Sunday April 20th, 2025. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 10:30am on Saturdays at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at 1763 Townline Road on Washington Island.  Please contact Larry or Diane Kahlscheuer at (920)847-2289 or 920-535-0551 with questions or for more information. All are welcome!
2025 BISHOPS APPEAL - Our 2025 Bishops Appeal is now underway.  Our parish  assessment for this year is $57,252. Please prayerfully consider how you can share your gifts to the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal. For just $5 a month, you can help diocesan ministries share the hope of Jesus with members of our parish. Thank you for answering Jesus’ call to follow Him and share His hope with others! To give to the Appeal, contact our parish office, use the pledge card you received at home, or Click Here to visit the Bishop’s Appeal official website. Thank you for your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal and for your support of Stella Maris Parish.
WINTER WEATHER CANCELLATIONS - Father Tom, the staff and support personnel will make every attempt to maintain our schedule of Masses, events and committee meetings. However, we ask that you never place yourself in harms way to attend them. In the event of a cancellation the following methods of communication will be used: Radio station WDOR (FM 94), TV stations WBAY (2) or here on our website. Typically if the schools are closed our events are likely cancelled. Please use your own discretion for safety.
CHRISTIAN SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITY DONATIONS ALWAYS APPRECIATED - Simply place a check in the collection basket noting “for CSR” in the memo. Or Click Here to give electronically and make a separate donation to “CSR”.
OFFERTORY COMMITMENT 2025 - Our 2025 Offertory Commitment appeal is underway. To read Father Tom's Commitment invitation Click Here. For a printable copy of the form that can be returned to the office or dropped in the collection basket Click Here. Or, if you'd prefer to complete and submit the form electronically right now from the website, then Click Here.

UNABLE TO ATTEND MASS? - All who are hospitalized or in an assisted living facilty, incarcerated, or otherwise physcially unable to attend Mass in person can still participate in celebration of the Holy Mass.  Please pray with us from wherever you are!
  • Mass is live streamed on the Stella Maris Facebook page from Stella Maris Parish beginning on the first Sunday of Advent at 8:00 am. 
  • Several options are offered by the Diocese of Green Bay. Click Here to review.


Mass Times



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Parish App

Exciting News!
Would you like to have all this information right on your mobile device?
We now have our new Parish App available for you to download.

From your mobile device either - click the image below 

 Apple (iPhone)





The following options are available to make financial giving easier on you, the parish, and the environment, by going green through electronic means.

The first option is electronic giving through the WeShare online giving platform.  The process is simple and safe.  For a printable WeShare giver's guide click here to learn how to use the online giving tool.

Once you understand how the process works, simply click on the "Donate Online" icon below to get started. 


The second option is authorize an automatic monthly withdrawal from your checking account.  If this is your preference, please click here, complete the form and return to the parish office.

The third option is to add Stella Maris Parish to you own online bill paying through your bank account.

Staff (click on name to contact)


Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 4:30pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Egg Harbor Office