This is great and exciting news!!!
To become Catholic, the Church has a ministry call the RCIA which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA process provides the opportunity for those interested in the Catholic Faith to learn more and to determine if they wish to become Catholic. It is a ministry that through a series of catechesis (teaching the faith) sessions and liturgical (public worship) events, one is brought into the Church. The program explores the teachings, practices, and history of the Catholic Church. RCIA is the modern version of the initiation process begun by the early Church to fulfill Jesus' command to “go forth and baptize all nations.” Adult Catholics who have not received First Communion, Reconciliation, or Confirmation and others who simply wish to renew or return to their faith, or to be a sponsor for adults on this faith journey, are encouraged to contact Becky Nash for more information at (920) 421-3332 or click here to email.
Additional information and frequently asked questions regarding RCIA can be found by clicking here.