Browsing Homilies

5th Sunday of Easter

Cornerstone – Way, Truth, Life

I love these readings during the Easter season.  They give us an insight into the earliest days of the Church. 

What was it like for the apostles and disciples after Jesus rose from the dead – as they were realizing that he was who he said he was…

The early Church lived together in community – and they were a diverse community – Hellenists (Greek-speaking Jews) Hebrew-speaking Jews and soon to join their ranks, Gentiles.

And there were issues, problems that needed to be addressed. 

Today’s first reading holds special meaning for me because it describes the ordination and ministry of the first deacons.

They were ordained to serve -- Seven men who honed their skills in the world of work and commerce, ordained to solve a problem of logistics – how do we make sure that everyone in our community is treated fairly and gets what they need in order to thrive?

They were ordained through prayer and the laying on of hands to dedicate their lives to the service of Jesus in His Church.

It is very clear in Acts, in order for the Apostles to focus on teaching and preaching the word of God, the deacons worked to apply those teachings to the problems of everyday life and help the disciples to live out the teachings of Jesus…a formula that continues to this day.


Today’s Gospel comes from the last supper discourse in John’s Gospel.

The final hours are coming, and Jesus has only a little time left to tell the apostles – and closest disciples what they need to know…

“Do not let your hearts be troubled….so that where I am, you also may be.”

Last words are important…

These last words are important to us.

I use them often gathered around a grave site with a family about to bid farewell to a loved one who has passed beyond this life…to commit his or her body or cremains to its final earthly dwelling place. 

Words of farewell – but words of compassion, guidance and direction.


As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe in God.  We believe in Jesus.

Pope Francis: Jesus Christ loves you.  He gave his life to save you and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.  EG 164.

And then, we have Thomas – doubting Thomas, soon to be believing Thomas – soon to be a martyr for his faith in Jesus. 

“Master, we do not know where you are going, how can we know the way?”

And Jesus says: “I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE.

Jesus is saying, “Follow me.”  In fact, these early followers were called “The Way”.

Do what I have done and I will take you there.  Pray, Worship, Believe, Proclaim, Love, and Serve.

In the second reading today, Peter is urging the followers of Jesus in Asia Minor (present day Turkey) to be built into a spiritual house founded on a rock solid cornerstone – Jesus Christ.

The members of “The Way” who were living there were feeling alienated from their roots and challenged by living among a culture that persecuted believers. 

He quotes Psalm 118: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 

What is a cornerstone? 

Start of a building is in a corner – great care is taken to be sure that the corner is:




If a building does not start out square, level and plumb – it’s not something that you can fix later.

If a stone was not square and level and plumb, the builders would reject it.

Only the very best – most true stone could be the cornerstone.

Peter uses this analogy to talk about Jesus – the cornerstone of the Church.

But instead of this cornerstone being square, level and plumb, Jesus tells us that he is the way, the truth and the life.

Way – love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself.

Turn the other cheek, answer evil with good, go the extra mile,

Truth – Jesus laid down his life for us.  He died to save us from our sins. He rose from the dead – Celebrating that truth is what this Easter season is all about!

Life – Jesus destroyed death so that we could live eternally with him – that where he is, we also may be! 

He was rejected by the authorities because:

His way was not their way.  The wanted a messiah who would overthrow Rome with violence.  Love your enemy did not sit well with them!

They could not believe the Truth that He was the Son of God.

They did not believe that he defeated death by rising from the dead.

The cornerstone that Jesus is made them stumble…we stumble when we are in the dark or when we are not paying attention.

What difference do these readings make for us today?

Jesus is our cornerstone – the solid rock on which we stand.

He is the way (how we live each day) based on the truth (that he lived, died and rose that we might have eternal life. – the way, the truth and the life!

Like the people to whom Peter was writing – we face challenges today.

Again, this week, more mass shootings here and in other parts of the world – two in Serbia in two days including one in a school!  Children being killed here and abroad.  What is happening to the sanctity of life?

We are living in a culture that is increasingly dismissive of faith…and the pain and suffering continues to increase.

And so we come here…to hear these words of Scripture …to check in with Jesus … to assess our lives against our cornerstone…and to strengthen by these words:

Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith is God; have faith also in me.


Penitential Act

 Lord Jesus, you are the way that leads to the Father. Lord have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you are he truth, enlightening our minds. Christ have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the life that has destroyed the power of death. Lord have mercy.


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