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Ash Wednesday Homily 2022

Ash Wednesday Homily 2022

I recently came across the story of a little girl who went to Ash Wednesday service with her family and was confused as she listened over and over again to the words spoken during the distribution of ashes: remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return, so after the service she asked her mother what it meant. So her mom decided to tell her the creation story of how God formed mankind out of the dust of the earth and how God then blew into his nostrils the breath of life and how this dust had now become a human being She then tries to tell her daughter what the prayer actually means, that one day everyone will die and return to the dust from which they were created but that one day God will raise us up from the dead and we will become glorified as he is glorified and become even better than we are today, but for that to happen we have to turn away from sin and live good lives. The little girl thought about this for a while and then said, so you’re telling me that people came from dust and they will return to dust? Her mom said that’s right. The little girl seemed okay with that answer until the next morning when she awoke from her sleep and yelled for her mom: Come quickly - I think someone’s under my bed. Her mother looked under the bed and said that’s nothing but dust. I know she said but after you told me we were created from dust and will return to dust and after seeing all that dust I was sure someone had to be either coming or going.  Hopefully we’re not as confused as that little girl - but know that those of us who repent of our sins and live good lives - will one day be united with our Lord in the kingdom.


I know Dcn Tony shared the guidelines we need to follow during lent but I’m still going to give a recap for those who may not have heard. Everyone 14 years or older is to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in lent. Those 18 through 59 are not to eat between meals on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and two of the three meals should be on the lighter side. We also need to make some kind of sacrifice during lent to make amends for our sins and grow more closely to our lord who made the ultimate sacrifice for usOne sacrifice you could make would be attending the stations of the cross at Sister Bay at 4pm on the Fridays of lent or by attending Holy Thursday and Good Friday services. Other sacrifices we can make could be giving things up, such as food, chocolate, deserts, time on our phone, computer, television, go’n to movies or it could be by helping others in the kitchen, cleaning our room, spending time with family, visiting the sick or helping the elderly. We do these things not only to make amends for our sins but to help us get a fresh start. Lent means springtime or a new beginning. Just as we long for springtime after a cold winter we long for a new beginning in our faith life as we strive to move away from those times we behaved poorly.


New beginnings happen when we change course in our search for God. Maybe we need to look at how long we may have been living without God. Some people speak about needing to be closer to God when they don’t even have a relationship with Him. I sometimes wonder what really needs to happen before we take our faith seriously. Most of us remember Sept. 11. 2001 when terrorists flew planes into the twin towers and into the pentagon Churches became filled. I think the war surmounting in the Ukraine should also be a wakeup call for us to take our faith seriously. What will it take for us to fall on our knees if we can’t even recognize when evil is infiltrating our world. Russia is spreading her errors throughout the world. Where have we heard these words before. Let me remind you. 


In 1917 Our Lady of Fatima told three children that if people didn’t reform their lives and turn away from sin Russia would be the instrument through which God would chastise the world for its sins. The Blessed Mother said if her requests were not heeded and people would not stop offending God that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world causing wars and persecutions of the church, the good would be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations shall be annihilated. For anyone who has been watching the news lately, that’s some scary prophecy. Our Blessed Mother asked us to pray, do penance, and make reparation for offenses committed against God.


To live morally means to choose to do good, follow God’s commandments and ask forgiveness for the sins we committed. It means being accountable to God.  At the end of our lives we will stand before God and he is going to ask us how we lived out our lives. What are we going to say - if we were guilty of wrong doing and taking advantage of others. Lent is that time for us to make reparation for those wrongs and it is a time for us to fast and pray. We need to ask ourselves how often we really pray? Do we even know how to pray? It’s simple, just talk to God. Tell him what’s troubling you. Certainly, mention the war - but also mention your family and the difficulties you are facing, also include in your prayer praise to God for all he’s done for you and remember the power of the Rosary. I think a whole generation doesn’t even know about the Rosary because we failed as parents and priests - to teach them There is no greater time than now. Teach your children to pray the Rosary. Tell them about the Mysteries of the Rosary and how they focus on the life of Christ. For some reason I don’t think people realize the graces that come from asking for Mary’s intercession. St Padre Pio said the Rosary’s the most power weapon - It’s time to bring it back.


Pope Francis and Bp. Ricken asked everyone on Ash Wednesday to fast and pray for the people of the Ukraine and for peace in the world. Today all church sites will be open until 4pm. For those who can stay after mass I will lead the rosary. The Rosary will also be prayed after mass at all the church sites after their weekday and Sunday masses during lent (at Baileys harbor the rosary is prayed before mass on Sundays) the Rosary is also prayed on Tuesday’s at noon at the Baileys harbor church if you wish to join them.    


In today’s Gospel Jesus tells his disciples not to perform righteous deeds in order for people to see them or when you give alms not to let everyone else know what you gave or when you pray not to stand on street corners so everyone sees you - but he also speaks about the importance of communal prayer as he tells us where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in your midst. Mary and the apostles prayed in the upper room for nine days for the coming of the Holy Spirit, this also was the beginning of the nine day novena and it was also a time when they were witnesses for their faith.


You and I need to be witnesses for our faith. We need to take a stand for what we believe in.  Today we will become witnesses when we are marked with ash in the sign of a cross stating that we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus. The earlier Christians put on ash and wore sackcloth when they asked for God’s mercy for the forgiveness of their sins. That’s what we are doing today - as we begin the season of lent. We are asking forgiveness - for the sins we committed against God and our neighbor.


Today when you and I become “marked” for Jesus - we are going to be his witnesses - and people everywhere are going to know - where we have been when they see ashes on our forehead - Have the courage to wear this badge of honor - throughout the day so other people will know that - a great fast in the church - has begun. Wear this cross as a proud follower of Jesus - just as he was willing to wear - his cross for us - when he became nailed to it.


Take seriously these days of lent - make them meaningful days - and your life will never be the same because you allowed Jesus - to enter into your life .  


May you have a holy and blessed lent



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