Today’s readings are all about judgement and not being able to see as God sees. In our 1st reading Samuel is sent to Bethlehem to choose a king from one of Jesse’s sons when Samuel arrives he sees his oldest son and believes he’s the one the lord has chosen but the lord says to him do not judge by appearance for not as man sees does God see for God looks into the heart after Jesse presents seven of his sons Samuel realizes God hasn’t chosen any of them so he asks if he has any other sons to which he replies only the youngest tending the sheep Samuel says send for him for we will not begin the sacrificial banquet until he arrives. When David is brought before him he finds him to be just a youth though handsome and making a splendid appearance. The lord said anoint him he’s the one. I’m sure neither Samuel nor Jesse ever dreamed the youngest son would be chosen to be king. I also think of St Patrick whose feast we just celebrated, having been captured at the age of 16 and made a slave sent to watch over sheep in the fields in Ireland he later escapes but returns to Ireland as a priest to teach them the faith A man not from Ireland chosen by God to convert the people of Ireland. Man does not see as God sees.
Of all the senses we probably value the most is our sight. A blind person often wins our sympathy because they are cut off from so much and are truly in the dark - or are they? Many years ago, there was a black out in New York City. People were trapped in elevators and on subways. Traffic came to a halt. This experience was reported by a man named John who felt fortunate to be walking to a bus station yet still he couldn’t see anything in front of him. He was lost and afraid when he bumped into someone After apologizing he learned the man lived very close to where he lived and offered to guide him home. John was grateful and followed him down several streets having no idea where he was going. The man told him not to worry but to stay close to him and he’d get him home the man continued to talk to John on the way and had little fear of getting turned around. When they finally got to the end of John’s street he realized where he was but had no idea how he got there It was when the man reached out to shake John’s hand that he realized - the man was blind Then it all made sense In the midst of the darkness the only one sure of his way around was a blind man because he knew of another way to see.
When we found Jesus, we found another way to see, because we can now see through Jesus eyes. In his letter to the Ephesians Paul said: You were once in darkness but now you are Light in the Lord. Live as children of light for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth. David and Patrick were overlooked because they were just seen as shepherds and people didn’t see them as important - but they were the light though whom - God chose to lead his people.
When we found our faith we found God. When we found God we found what is good and true and beautiful. What is good and true and beautiful can only be seen by those who are living in the light of the Lord. Today’s Gospel is not about physical blindness but spiritual blindness. It's about finding our way - by living in the light - through the words of Jesus. It is true Jesus healed a blind man but when Jesus said he came to open the eyes of the blind - he wasn’t speaking about him - but about those who are blind to the truth.
The 1st thing we do in the morning when we awake is “open our eyes” because we need to see where we are going - yet I find it interesting that so many people go through life with blinders on when it comes to their faith. How do men and women go through their entire lives without thinking about what their future holds. As Christians you and I know our future and that it’s not about retiring and thinking we now have it made. It has to make one wonder how people can live in this world and not prepare themselves for the world to come. What is so sad about this is that a lot of Christians are not prepared. We all need to be reminded about how important it is for us to put out trust in Jesus and - learn how to see through his eyes.
What is so amazing about the blind man in today’s Gospel is that even blind he’s able to see more than the pharisees see. When asked by the pharisees what he had to say about the one who opened his eyes he told them he’s a prophet. They retorted we know God spoke to Moses how do we know where he’s from. He responds ‘what’s so amazing is that you don’t know where he’s from yet he opened my eyes’ They respond we know that God does not listen to sinners. The man replies If this man were not from God he would not be able to do anything. Upon hearing this they threw him out.
When Jesus came upon the man again, he asked him Do you believe in the Son of man. He responded who is he sir that I may believe in him Jesus said You have seen him the one speaking to you is he. He said - I do believe - and he worshiped Jesus. The pharisees had perfect eyesight yet Jesus called them blind because they refused to acknowledge him as the Son of God. To see well physically - is not good enough. There are many ways we are blind when we don’t open our hearts to others. When we are selfish we become blind to the needs of others. When we are insensitive we are blind to the hurts we inflict upon others. When we are prejudice we are blind to the truth. When we are prideful we are blind not only to our own faults but to the harm we cause others. When we are materialistic we get caught up in the world around us and are blind to our need to grow spiritually. The good news is that you are here today because you want to find the truth. That truth is found in Jesus Christ who is the way the truth and the life. Anyone who wants to get to heaven needs to follow him. We do that in the way we live out our lives. No one wants to be physically blind but what we really don’t want is to live our lives blind to the truth preventing us from attaining heaven. Jesus said I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly Jesus came to reveal to us the way to heaven by living our lives for God and those around us. Jesus came to teach us how to honor and love God and he came to teach us how to pray and to sacrifice and - how to love and forgive one another.
The blind man’s healing instead of bringing him joy caused him a lot of grief because it put him in the strange position of having to defend himself. Can you imagine after experiencing a miraculous healing that you would have to defend yourself for being healed. Yet, rather than distancing himself from Jesus in the hope of protecting himself or his family he enters into a relationship with him by seeking to know who he is not just because of what he has done for him but for what he calls him to – faith Jesus invites to be a part of a new way of living. We may feel drawn to Jesus because of his generous heart and because of what he can do for us but Jesus wants more from us, he wants a relationship with us. As we read in St Paul’s letter we are called to live as children of the light As we draw closer to him we become light to those around us. Jesus said You are the light of the world may your light shine before all that they see the good that you do and give glory to God - You and I are also called to be a people of hope.
Today we celebrate Latari Sunday a day set aside during the season of Lent to rejoice in the Lord for all the good that he has done for us. During this season of Lent let us ask for the grace to be free us of all that blinds us from the truth and from receiving God’s generous love. Why was this blind man chosen by God to be the one healed. Why was David, the youngest son of Jesse chosen by God to be the one anointed king Why was St Patrick a slave and foreigner chosen by God to bring the faith to Ireland Why are you and I chosen by God to lead others to him? Because he saw something good in us - because he wants a relationship with us – because he loves us.