What is it about Mountains?
I love mountain top experiences!
What is it about mountains that make us feel the majesty and power of God? Is it that we are closer to Heaven? Or that we can see for miles and miles? Or that we can leave our cares behind?
Some great mountain top experiences
- Jenny Wiley State Park in Eastern Kentucky – over looking Dewey Lake.
- Sven’s Bluff in Peninsula State Park in Door County – over looking Green Bay
- The mountains above Sabaneta in the Dominican Republic
Each of these were mountain-top experiences. They were transformational.
- Eastern Kentucky – Where I decided to ask my wife to marry me.
- Sven’s Bluff – where I wrote my spiritual autobiography as part of my application for diaconal formation.
- Sabaneta – where I contemplated my move out of the ministry of Catholic Education in into full-time ministry as a deacon.
Transfiguration – Peter, John and James, would never be the same…
Let’s set the stage for this encounter…
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have not come to abolish but to fulfill.”
You have heard that it was said |
But I tell you |
You shall not kill |
Do not even get angry with another |
You shall not commit adultery |
Do not even look at a woman with lust |
Do not take a false oath |
Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no and leave it at that. |
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth |
Offer no resistance – turn the other cheek |
Love your neighbor but hate your enemy |
Love your enemy |
Difficult teachings – they may have been doubting -- but now, Peter James and John see Jesus as he really is – in his glory – and he is talking with Moses (the law) and Elijah (the prophets.)
Moses also had a “mountain top” experience as he went up Mount Sinai and came down with the 10 Commandments – on which all of Jewish law was based – and on which much of our catechism as Catholics is based.
Elijah was no stranger to mountains – His call came on Mount Horeb – the mountain of God.
Imagine what Peter, James and John experienced on the Mount Tabor. Here is Jesus, transfigured before them
- face shone like the sun
- clothes white as light
- conversing with Elijah and Moses both of whom lived and died hundreds of years earlier.
- “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.
- “It is good that we are here.
They know that Jesus is who he says he is – the Son of God.
This is a life-changing experience for them.
Built upon all that they had come to know through their experience of being faithful Jews…
Built on the foundation of Judaism…
They knew that they were moving on to something new.
Hence the tents – the feast of Sukkot or Booths – which commemorated the 40 years in the desert – moving on from slavery to freedom in the Promised Land.
They knew that they were moving on to something new – a new Promised Land – Eternal Life.
It is thought that the Transfiguration probably took place about 40 days before the crucifixion. The apostles and disciples were in their final weeks with Jesus on this earth
They needed faith like Abram.
Abram – name changed to Abraham
“I will make you a great nation”
“I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.
All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.
Blessed to be a blessing.
God sends Abram on a journey.
“Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will gove you.”
In this passage, God does not tell Abram where he is going, but “Abram went as the Lord directed him.
What faith! What trust in God!
Abram trusted in God. He knew that God had a plan for him and he trusted God and lived the plan God gave him – not all at once but little by little.
St. Paul tells Timothy, and he tells us – God has a plan for us.
“He saved us and called us to a holy life – not according to our works”
[not because we can do great things – not because of great talents and abilities that we have]
“but according to his own design.” [His plan]
God has a plan for us. We are not here today by chance!
God has brought us here today for a purpose.
“and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus.”
God gives us his grace – the presence of Jesus walking by our side to guide us in the plan that God has for us. Jesus touches us and says, “Do not be afraid.”
I believe that God’s plan for me unfolded on the three mountaintops that I talked about earlier.
How about God’s plan for you?
We all have a plan from God – something that we are uniquely qualified to do. And here’s how to tell if your plan is finished – If you are breathing, it is not!
Young – open to the possibilities. Learn all you can. Explore the gifts God has given you. He has blessed you to be a blessing to this world. And here’s one more thing – we need you! The Church needs you.
Emerging Adulthood – your dreams are good, have courage, pray for God’s wisdom, step out and be who God has created you to be – be the best version of yourself. Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Middle of life – generosity, use what you have, where you are, to benefit others, love your family with the self-sacrificial love of Jesus.
Senior years - You are the ones who have climbed this mountain of life. You have gained wisdom. Share what you have learned, bless others with the strength you have gained. You have the faith to see this journey through – let your faith be an example for others.
Lent is a great time to
- ask the big questions and to seek the answers – through prayer, fasting and giving alms (serving others)
- seek God’s plan for you – wherever you are in life.
- Grow closer to Jesus – to walk with him on this journey – to Jerusalem, to the upper room, to calvary, to the empty tomb and to the resurrection.
Today we celebrate the Transfiguration. As you come forward to receive Jesus at this altar, take him into your body and into your heart that his light will shine forth from you.
Lent can be for you – a mountain top experience for you …one that you will never forget.
Let us pray…
Lord Jesus, Peter, John and James saw you transfigured and were strengthened in their faith for the Journey ahead. Strengthen our faith during this season of Lent as we journey to Jerusalem with you – to the cross and through the cross to Easter joy. We pray in your name…Amen.