Browsing Homilies

The Epiphany of The Lord

Our 1st reading is taken from the book of the Prophet Isaiah who cries out Rise up in splendor Jerusalem Your light has come the glory of the Lord shines upon you. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany which means manifestation or an illuminating discovery of something extraordinary. The Magi believe they made an illuminating discovery when they located a star foretold long ago leading them to the Messiah The Magi Melchoir of Persia, Gaspar of India and Balthazar of Arabia, are not only leaders of various Nations but astrologers who observe the formation of stars and various galaxies and planets They believe the Star of Bethlehem signaled to them to seek the Messiah then guided them to it. 

Many historians question why these foreigners needed to travel to Bethlehem If they wanted to see a new King they could have waited for the birth of the next emperor of Parthia but the Magi were not looking for a worldly king to show their allegiance but the King of the Jews Many people wonder why Babylonian scholars wanted to place themselves before a Jewish king but during their time in Babylon there was a very significant and influential Jewish community that lived among them This influence along with an alignment of the planets that formed a star led them to the king of Nations and to their amazement they found the Christ with Mary his mother and they prostrated themselves before him and then opened their treasures of Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh. St Peter Chrysologus in this Sundays office of readings said

In choosing to be born to us God chose to be known to us. Today the Magi find crying in a manger the one they followed as he shone in the sky Today the Magi see clearly in swaddling clothes the one they have long awaited hidden among the stars Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they saw heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God and God in man -one whom the whole universe can not contain now in a tiny body. As they look they believe and do not question as their symbolic gifts bear witness Incense for God Gold for a King Myrrh for one who is to die So the Gentiles who were last become the first: the faith of the Magi is the first fruits of the belief of the Gentiles.

Fr Peter Tyran a theologian tells us that as amazing as these events are - many things we experience in life as Christians are not going to be extraordinary but will remain a mystery but the Star that led the Magi to the light of all Nations was extraordinary - because it led them to the Christ.            

Fr Peter referring to the many religions of the time, the South African religions the Buddhists and Persian religions along with religions of Egypt and the Greeks tells us the Magi chose to follow the star representing the Jewish faith because people for centuries sought the Christ foretold by the Jewish people - because He was known as the promised one who was to come into the world to save us. Fr Peter said people also say - we should embrace all religions by putting together a “patchwork blanket of beliefs” but he argues -these so called blankets always unravel and fade away so we need to follow the light of Christianity that never fades 

No one wants to be left in the dark How many times have we been excluded from conversations or various gatherings causing us to feel rejected and yet how often have we rejected God. The tragedy is that God isn’t the one preventing us from being with him we are the ones preventing God from being with us and what is even more tragic are - the times - when we don’t even know we are doing it. I wonder how long it will take some people before they realize they need to have a relationship with God The Magi knew they needed a relationship with God before - they even began their journey to Bethlehem - from the very moment they were gazing at the stars-  they had the desire to be with Him. 

Like the Magi we all need to journey towards God. The magi began their journey by first being attentive to God Their studying of the Stars was their way to discern what Gods plan was for them and they sought him out. Isaiah proclaimed that we need to Rise up and look about - He then goes on to say Nations shall walk in your light and kings in your shining radiance. In other words - those who seek him out – shall- - - walk in the truth and - - - in the ways of the Lord. Its easy to get caught up in the story of the Magi’s giving of the gifts to the Christ child - but its more than the giving of gifts but it was the offering of themselves that pleased Him.

Have you ever traveled somewhere and found yourself struggling to get there but later realize it was the struggle to get there that - gave your destination meaning?

I think many of us can identify with the Magi who after a long journey to Bethlehem couldn’t return by the same route from which they came because they are different now. Their journey changed them -the Christ child - changed them. 

I remember when I had to leave my place of employment to enter the seminary and how difficult it was for me because I really enjoyed my job - but once I was in seminary - I knew it was - where I needed to be. I also remember a few yrs. later when asked to take time away from the seminary to discern if this was where God was calling me -I couldn’t go back to my former place of employment because I didn’t want to get caught up in where I had been before I pursued the priesthood - I was a different person now and I didn’t want to lose what I fought so hard to achieve - what brought me closer to God - No matter what my future held - I couldn’t - go back to where I had previously been. When you find - a path that led you to God there is no turning back. No one can turn back - after they experienced a - transformation.  

The Prophet Isaiah cries out Rise up in splendor Jerusalem Your light has come the glory of the Lord shines upon you - after establishing a relationship with God we need to rise up in splendor and give glory to God for the lord now shines on us - as never before and we can now say it was -an amazing journey knowing it wasn’t the star but the path you had taken only then will you know your own epiphany - for the light -has now shown on you only then will Isaiahs words have meaning as we hear him say

Rise up - Your light has come - the glory of the Lord shines upon you.

Fr. Tom



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